Clem's Beef Stew With Shell Pasta

Beef stews are found all around the world. Tougher cuts of beef are de rigeur for this dish. Tough beef is generally from the parts of the animal which have connective tissue. Collagen is found in connective tissue. When cooked for lengths of time, collagen turns wonderfully soft gelatinous. This is what stews are based on apart from the flavourings chosen.

I made a stew which is European in origin.


Clem's Beef Stew With Shell Pasta




  • 500 g of beef shin; or chuck

  • 200 - 250 g button mushroom (or your preference)

  • 2 - 3 carrots

  • 1 leek

  • 1 large onion

  • 3 - 4 cloves of garlic

  • 1 teaspoon thyme.

  • 2 Bay leaves

  • 3 - 4 tablespoons of tomato paste

  • 1 cup red wine (optional)


  • Tough cuts of beef especially from the shin have sinew and silverskin.
    Trim away as much of the sinew and silverskin as possible with a very sharp knife.

  • Cut up the beef into large chunks.

  • Coat the beef pieces with flour or cornflour.

  • Fry the powdered beef pieces in oil with a knob of butter added (for browning and flavour).

  • Remove the beef pieces when they have developed a brown crust.

  • Use the same saucepan to now fry finely diced onion.
    When the onions have gone translucent, add the minced garlic.
    Fry briefly just to take the rawness away from the garlic.
    Do not brown.

  • Add roughly cut carrots and fry for a few minutes.

  • Return the browned beef to the pan and add beef stock, chicken stock or just water.
    If just using water, you should add stock powder later (chicken or beef flavour).
    Add enough liquid to just cover the meat and vegetables.

  • Add the thyme and Bay leaves.

  • At this stage, an optional ingredient to add is one cup of red wine (I did).
    Red wine adds both flavour and colour to the stew.

  • Simmer the meat and vegetables over a very low flame, or put the saucepan (if heat-proof) into an oven.
    Slow cook for 2 and a half hours.
    Stir the contents regularly to ensure that the food does not catch on the bottom of the pan.
    About 30 minutes before the end of the slow cook, slice the leek and add to the pan (this avoids overcooking the leek to a mush).

  • Before the stew is ready, cook up your favourite pasta.
    I chose large pasta shells.

  • Taste your stew and adjust with condiments as required.

  • Ladle the stew over the pasta and serve.



24 June 2024


Created by Clem Kuek