Clem's Mango Sorbet


This is a quick and simple desert to make. It is a two-ingredient sorbet made from mango.


  • 250 g mango chunks (enough for one serve).
    Buy frozen or purchase fresh mangoes, cut them into chunks and freeze them solid.
    I used frozen mango chunks from a supermarket.
  • Two to three table spoons of icing sugar..
    As always add the quantity of sugar to your taste.



  • Place the frozen mango chunks in a food blender and process until smooth.
  • Along the process, add the quantity of icing sugar to your taste.
  • You will probably need to add a small quantity (3 to 6 tablespoons) of water to help the blending of the mango pulp into a smooth blend.
  • Once the sorbet reaches the sweetness, and consistency (you are looking for a smooth blend where the chunks are not visible).
  • You can consume at this stage, or if you prefer your sorbet to have a firmer consistency, place the batch in a freezer for an hour or so before serving.

Clem's two-ingredient Mango sorbet





30 May 2024


Created by Clem Kuek